  • Compliance
  • Compliance Reports
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Compliance Reports

Organizations must maintain audit reports to demonstrate compliance. EventLog Analyzer provides predefined audit reports for IT regulations such as FISMA, PDPA, CCPA and CPRA, PCI DSS 4.0, SOX, HIPAA, GLBA, POPIA, GPG13, Cyber Essentials, ISO 27001:2013, ISO 27001:2022, ISLP, NRC RG 5.71, GDPR, FERPA, NERC, CoCo, CMMC, NIST CSF, QCF, TISAX, SAMA, ECC, PDPL, CJDN, UAE-NESA, SOC 2 and LGPD. The predefined audit reports are automatically generated and can only be disabled, not deleted.

Compliance Reports

Configuring custom compliance reports

EventLog Analyzer allows you to create custom compliance reports for IT regulations that aren't supported out-of-the-box or to meet internal organizational policies.

  1. Navigating to the Compliance tab of EventLog Analyzer and the option to Manage compliance can be accessed from the top right corner.
  2. Click on the +Create New Compliance button.
  3. In the Add Compliance page, enter a name for the compliance mandate in the Compliance Name field.
  4. Click on the Description link to enter a brief description about the compliance mandate.
  5. In the Source Selection box, click on the required device tab.
  6. Select the devices for which you want to generate reports by clicking on the + icon present in the Select Devices field.
  7. Select the reports to be generated for this compliance mandate from the list of reports displayed.
  8. Click Save.
Compliance Reports

Editing and deleting compliance regulations

You can edit and delete compliance regulations by navigating to the Compliance tab → Manage Compliance page and clicking on the edit and delete icons present against the compliance mandates. You can use the Show/Hide toggle button to show or hide the compliance regulations in the left pane of the Compliance tab.

Compliance can also be edited through the respective compliance widgets.

Scheduling compliance reports

You can schedule and send compliance reports to your mail IDs by following the below steps:

  1. Navigate to the Compliance tab → Schedule Compliance → +Create New Scheduler page.
  2. Enter a name for the scheduler in the Scheduler Name field.
  3. Select the compliance for which you want to schedule reports from the drop-down menu.
  4. In the Schedule Frequency field, select the frequency and the date and time at which the reports have to be scheduled.
  5. You can generate the report for a specific time frame by selecting an option from the Report For drop-down menu.
  6. Select the format of the report from the Report Format drop-down menu.
  7. Select the type of report you want to generate: Only Summary or Summary and Details.
  8. Enter the mail IDs to which the report has to be sent in the Email ID field. Use a comma (,) to separate multiple mail IDs.
  9. Enter a subject line for the mail in the Subject field.
  10. Click Save.
Compliance Reports

Editing and deleting compliance schedulers

You can edit and delete compliance schedulers by navigating to the Compliance tab → Schedule Compliance page and clicking on the edit and delete icons present against the compliance mandates. You can also enable/disable schedulers by clicking on the icon present under the Actions tab.

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